Tales of the Tides – The Vernal Springs is a novel ‘inspired by The Gower Peninsula’. The village of Mumbles is known as the Gateway to Gower, and where the author C D (Colin) Pressdee was brought up. He spent his formative years on the beaches of Gower, scouring the rocks at low tide for the edible creatures such as prawns and crabs.

Colin is returning to Mumbles on Saturday 18 June to meet old and new friends at a ‘meet the author’ event at Cover to Cover, Swansea’s only independent bookshop, in the ‘Top Shops’ Newton Road, Mumbles from 2.00pm.

Colin is well-known for his food books, particularly those of his BBC Radio Wales programmes – Welsh Coastal Cookery and Streetwise Cookery, plus the Food Wales series and many issues of Dining Out in Wales. He also wrote London Oyster Guide and Swansea Market – A Celebration. This is his first published book of fiction. Other novels include Devil’s Recipe and Reflections of a Vampire.

This story is of a shy young lad visiting the seaside for the first time, and his voyage of discovery of the creatures that inhabit the rocks at low tide. Through people he meets he begins to find himself and faces up to problems he has experienced. Gradually he gains more confidence to face the challenges of growing up. All illustrations are by his life-long friend Paul Llewellyn.

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